All Ecard Orders Come With Animated Email Graphics.

When you order from, everyone gets beautifully animated email graphics that can be embedded into an email.

Since every customer also gets access to our Email Message Creator, these animated email graphics get automatically inserted into a lovely email template you can use when sending your ecard.

In addition to the animated email graphics, every order comes with non-animated email graphics (static email graphics) too.

In total, each ecard comes with 9 email graphics for use in email with the exception of Illustrated Ecards. They come with 7.

Here are what the animated email graphics look like:

Teaser (Animated)

Button (Animated)

Graphic (Animated)

White Envelope (Animated)

Brown Envelope (Animated)

Here are what the static non-animated email graphics look like:

Button (Non-Animated)

Graphic (Non-Animated)

White Envelope (Non-Animated)

Brown Envelope (Non-Animated)

Get a sample and see for yourself.

How do you send an ecard?

Posted: 2020-04-08